FoRB in Pakistan is designed to ensure the religious minorities in Pakistan for practicing and getting rights to attain a status of equal citizen of Pakistan. The main objective of this project to promote Freedom of Religious Belief (FoRB) in Pakistan by strengthening the capacity of HRDs, CSOs and parliamentarians to advocate for pluralism and the rights of religious minorities. To strengthen the capacity of, and protect, religious minority HRDs, CSOs and parliamentarians to collaboratively engage in evidence-based advocacy at local, provincial, federal, and international levels for greater tolerance and improved protection of FoRB in Pakistan. HFO and NMRN are working for human rights in Pakistan to forge unity among all people irrespective of religion, caste or creed and against terrorism, extremism and atrocities against minorities so that peace, democracy and human rights can get advantage in country. They deplored that despite UN charter of Human Rights, the violations continue in whole world, freedoms are being snatched and people were being exploited through religious and sectarian bias. Minorities in Pakistan were being dragged in false cases, forced conversion, honor killings.

Targeted areas
Human Friends Organization (HFO) is executing this project in four Provinces of Pakistan. Provincial Coordinators along with National Minority Rights Network (NMRN) members are vigilant and in close coordination with minority community at grass root level, HRDs, CSOs and Parliamentarians to identify the issues and advocate at district, provincial and national level at different forums. HFO has targeted main cities of each province from there the provincial coordinators are operating.
Punjab: Lahore, Kasur and Multan
Sindh: Karachi and Hyderabad
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Peshawar and Mardan
Baluchistan: Quetta and Sibi