Human Friends Organization has been constructing Hope Centers and Community Centers in the Christian dominated areas of Pakistan since 2016. The basic purpose of establishing such Hope Centers is to provide a communal place where the community can gather to utilize their time and energy in a productive manner. HFO provides construction material for such centers; whereas, the local community/congregation provides the land for the construction of these centers. After completion of the construction of the hope centers, an MOU signed stating the transfer of ownership to the local community. These centers are being used imparting education and skills.
In our country number of Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street Children are found. Due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS/drugs affected persons, Re-marriage of widowed / divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, Unwanted pregnancy of Trafficking / Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti-social, criminal activities. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection in our KINSHIP HOUSE.
Mainstreaming the Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street children in the national building by providing care, support & protection through shelter, food, and education is our goal.

Project Objectives:
- To provide orphan / semi orphan / street children, a childhood that they never experienced and help them to become useful members of the society.
- To encourage orphan / semi orphan / street children to kindle their potential by providing creative opportunities
- To make available a secure place where orphan / semi orphan / street children can play and enjoy their childhood.
- To provide basic education to orphan / semi orphan / street children.
- To provide such welfare services like free lodging, boarding, health and recreation
- To provide basic literacy and facilities for those who wish to study further
- To select and prepare for a vocation in order to live on their own legs
- To accomplishing physical, intellectual and aesthetic development of the child
Project Activities:
- Identification of orphan / semi orphan / street children
- Pre-view of the incoming orphan / semi orphan / street children problem/difficulties
- Emotional acceptance of the child
- Teaching facilities for basic education
- Teaching facilities for vocational courses and crafts.
- Lodging and boarding facilities for all inmates.
- Recreational facilities.
- Primary health.
Potential Long-Term Impact
This project has potential & impact full in main streaming of orphans & street children. Their basic needs are met & they will get new life through gaining knowledge, vocational skills & life skills. They will get love & affection as if their parents provide. Their confidence level will increase & become good asset to the community. They are developed physically & psychologically & made as good & productive citizens. They will inspire by philanthropy & show humanity towards the community.